Wotc long war
Wotc long war

But like said mission choice is far more strategic at Wotc, because it is a real choice, like said at LW RNG choose for you.Īlso more dont means better or more complex. Of course at wotc you have not region management. Stuff micro management is not complex at all, it is just repetitive time consuming tasks. Just because you find it boring does not make it less complex. But when you have 8 turns to get to the other side of the map to hack a console, then a plating and maybe few grenades is all you can afford. Its again a question of when, in troop ambushes or Advent HQ raids it might be beneficial to simply give everyone maximum gear for maximum carnage since them moving 6x2 titles doesnt matter. And mobility is very important in Long War since you are burrowed in enemy reinforcements soon enough. The more items you ball up on your trooper, the slower he is and the slower the infiltration is. Then you get a game of so many conditions and so many possible outcomes that always makes every battle fresh and unique on its own.Īlso about slots, the 3 slots arent that of a no brainer. That is if you bother trying to understand that Long War isnt played as normal XCOM. The amout of variables mounts up and the best thing is, if you give it time, alot of it becomes intuitive. If i am infiltrating this long mission, what if Advent decides to raid a heaven ? Will i send in less skilled troops or pull infiltrating troops out ?. Wont a better mission pop up if i scan abit more ?. HQ assaults ? Technicals can damage those massive 9 man pods but then what ? You trade alpha damage for more sustained damage Grenadier could provide, but sometimes the good start is the most important.Ĭould it be a trap ? (Snares in game, missions made by Advent for sole purpose of killing your troops by drowing them in troops the moment they set down) Snipers suffer in sewers and Lost cities, but you can still score some nasty snipes with them. and the best thing is that all classes arent one trick ponies, you could easily use anyone elsewhere, will it be optimal ? Maybe, you need to figure it out, and sometimes being "just good enough" is enough. Specialists can remotely hack consoles or snatch items, easily capable of simply avoiding enemies.Īnd so on. Technicals are absolute beasts when you need alot of enemies in solid cover to die quickly, perfect when your squad is small. Psiops and snipers are perfect for Troop ambushes and HQ raids. Some mission types are simply harder than others, destroying relay is easy, hacking missions arent, some jailbreaks can turn sour really quickly, some missions are triviliazed by presence of certain troop types. This is where more strategic thinking goes in. So what you get are multiple missions that all could be feasibly infiltrated. RNG is only part of what happens, but you can tip it in your favour by simply placing more than 4 people on intel and helping with Avenger. RNG give you 5 hours, Bah, of course, no chance you will make it, whatever could be the reward or the aliens project to would slowdown. Mission choice at Wotc are strategic choice. Originally posted by Sabaithal: more complex mechanics Not to mention that the progression overall is slower, which makes each game last much, much longer.Īlso, because there is more equipment and class variety available to the player, there are a much larger variety of means when it comes to tactical combat, and undermining the RNG as well. If the answer is no to most of those, then LW2/LWOTC are definitely more complex. Or to put it more directly, does vanilla or WOTC have infiltration mechanics? Or haven rebel management? Or a dedicated squad select system? Or regional strength, vigilance, and force level mechanics? Or single-build items only, making you have to plan ahead as far as resources go? Or a larger variety of enemies to deal with, both in individual variety, and composition per mission and mission type? Or 9 different classes to choose from, which I suppose would be twelve in LWOTC, with three separate perk trees to choose from? If anything, you are currently describing the complete opposite. It is more simple at Wotc.Just because you find it boring does not make it less complex. Howver you have at LW more (boring ?) micro management for a plethoric stuff. More complex mechanics, imo, is not exact. Originally posted by hurepoix:I have to disagree with that.

Wotc long war